Royal Enfield Classic 350—Never Out of Style

Royal Enfield Classic 350—Never Out of Style


If you are fond of heavy bikes, then Royal En field Classic 350 is meant for you. This particular model has maintained its popularity over decades thanks to its excellent performance and agility. Recently, it got a makeover in terms of its engine, wheels, brakes, and some other features. If you are planning to bring this classic beauty home, then do buy Royal En field Classic 350 insurance to protect it against any mishap on the road.

The Royal En field Classic 350 won the Modern Classic Motorcycle of the Year award at the car and bike awards held in 2022. It bagged the honour despite tough competition from rivals such as Honda. The features that helped it to score high include:

  • A single-cylinder engine of 349 cc
  • The engine is capable of 20.2 bhp with 6,100 rpm
  • Introduction of the timing chain
  • A SOHC system to lower the noise
  • Improvement in valve timings

Types of Royal Enfield insurance

You cannot take your Royal Enfield bike out on the roads without third-party bike insurance. And,go for a comprehensive policy if you want all-around protection. You can choose from basic third-party liability insurance, own damage insurance,comprehensive insurance, and different add-ons based on your requirements.

  • Third-party insurance: To ride your bike legally, you need a multi-year third party (TP)liability policy that is valid for five years. This policy is a legal requirement and its absence can result in heavy fines and/or imprisonment depending on the circumstances. The third-party insurance policy will protect you from third-party financial and legal liabilities if there is an accident involving a third party and your insured bike. You will be covered for:
  • The legal obligation arising due to an accident with a third party if the third-partybooks a case against you
  • Damage to the third-party property or vehicle
  • Loss of life or physical injury to the third party
  • Comprehensive insurance:Royal En field bike is expensive and any damage to or replacement of parts can cost you quite a lot of money. If you use it for regular commuting, then you should opt for a comprehensive plan, which includes both third-party liability cover and own damage cover.
  • You will get the sum insured if your bike is stolen based onan FIR and other proofs and documents. Even if there is damage to the lock or the keys get lost, you will receive compensation.
  • If you face an accident leading to damage to your bike, the repair cost will be covered.
  • Financial compensation will be provided if your bike gets damaged in any natural or man made calamity.
  • Own damage insurance: You can opt for a standalone annual own damage cover if you have already bought a compulsory long-term third-party policy. With this policy, you can get:
  • Compensation for your bike if it gets stolen
  • Cashless repair facilities if your bike is damaged in an accident
  • Financial cover for your bike if it faces damage due to natural or man made calamity

If you own a Royal En field, you belong to the premium category bike-owners of India. This bike is classy, expensive, and can run on almost all types of surfaces. So, take good care of your bike to enjoy riding it without any hassle.BuyRoyal Enfield classic 350 insurance to stay protected against uncertainties on the road.

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