Horse Trailer Guide

Horse Trailer Guide


Horses are animals that have been with us for a long time, being our work companions, accompanying us in wars, games, sports, leisure, and even becoming part of our family.

Horse trailers are a tool widely used to transport equines by both professionals and amateurs. Also called Horse Van, with them we must guarantee that the horses travel comfortably and safely.

Horse trailer equipment

As its name indicates, its leading utility is to transport horses inside safely. For this to be possible, these trailers must be well equipped and regularly taken to the horse trailer repair service since horses can become stressed during the journey or lose their balance during a curve or steep slope.

For all these reasons, the trailers are equipped with numerous grids on the front and back as well as on the sides to allow proper ventilation; in this case, they are not very pronounced openings and are above the horse’s height, as horses are easily stressed if they see what is going on around them.

Besides, they incorporate a hitch inside the trailer to tie the horse if the horse is very nervous or not comfortable during travel. These trailers’ dimensions allow the horse to move quickly and allow a small hole where to put water to avoid any discomfort to the horse during the trip.

It is essential to take into account that all these measures provide safety not only to the animal but also to the person driving the trailer vehicle, since if the animal remains calm during the trip, the driver will not have any problem, such as being distracted due to noticing issues in the horse trailer.

There are three types of horse trailers. There are cab trailers, open trailers, and combination trailers. Here are their characteristics and differences.

Cabin trailer: This is the most commonly used type of horse trailer. A cabin with a door and roof is raised on the platform to protect the horse from the sun and water. These trailers have a sound ventilation system for the horse. Also, they are equipped with a water and food dispenser for very long trips.

Generally, horse cabin trailers are the type of trailers that are used to transport racehorses. That is why there are models that can accommodate two horses.

Open trailers: These are platforms with railings; they are used for short-distance transportation and are generally of a smaller size. They have the capacity for only one horse at a time.

Combination trailers: These are open trailers but are adapted to a cabin shape, with a canvas roof and higher and closed railings that secure the horse.

All models must come equipped with wheels, lights, badge holders, and premium tires ranging from 13 to 14 inches, depending on the trailer type. Besides, to prevent the trailer from moving when left static, they must include a brake so that the horses do not suffer any mishap.

Horse trailers offer different capacities depending on the horse transport needs of customers. The smallest can transport up to 750 kg, and the largest has a total of up to 2500 kg. Therefore, analyze your animals’ characteristics and select the product that best fits your requirements and doesn’t forget that the safety of your animals depends on the excellent condition of the vehicle, so take it regularly to the horse trailer repair service to make sure it is constantly maintained correctly.

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